Might I suggest another word- "tidalific" lacks a certain gravitas. How about: aestigenic" from the Latin aestus, tide? Very science-y!
Hi Michael, I lack gravitas myself, so I prefer supercalifragilisticexpitidalicious. But we'll keep the Latin in our back pocket in case of an emergency, and you'll get credit if we use it.
Very sensa-lific! ЁЯШЙ
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Might I suggest another word- "tidalific" lacks a certain gravitas. How about: aestigenic" from the Latin aestus, tide? Very science-y!
Hi Michael, I lack gravitas myself, so I prefer supercalifragilisticexpitidalicious. But we'll keep the Latin in our back pocket in case of an emergency, and you'll get credit if we use it.
Very sensa-lific! ЁЯШЙ