Very nice summary, if disconcertingly inconclusive! Why not next see if regional tidal triggering studies are as discordant, and compare them with these global surveys?
Very nice summary, if disconcertingly inconclusive! Why not next see if regional tidal triggering studies are as discordant, and compare them with these global surveys?
Thanks! Yes, it is a bit disconcerting. We have at least three more parts to this series coming - the fourth and fifth ones will focus on more regional settings, first looking at regional earthquake precursor studies, and then on interesting local geology. Your own 1998 paper was originally in this post but got bumped because it didn't fit with the global theme. (Although I quite like your statistical approach, and would like to see it replicated at a global level!) Presumably it will make its way into a later post.
Very nice summary, if disconcertingly inconclusive! Why not next see if regional tidal triggering studies are as discordant, and compare them with these global surveys?
Thanks! Yes, it is a bit disconcerting. We have at least three more parts to this series coming - the fourth and fifth ones will focus on more regional settings, first looking at regional earthquake precursor studies, and then on interesting local geology. Your own 1998 paper was originally in this post but got bumped because it didn't fit with the global theme. (Although I quite like your statistical approach, and would like to see it replicated at a global level!) Presumably it will make its way into a later post.